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What are the 12 gates in Revelation?


What are the 12 gates in Revelation?

The 12 gates in Revelation are the gates of the New Jerusalem, which is described in the Book of Revelation in the New Testament of the Bible. The New Jerusalem is a heavenly city that is said to come down from heaven to the new earth after the end of the world. It is a place of eternal life and peace, and it is said to be a perfect city.

The 12 gates of the New Jerusalem are made of pearls, and they are inscribed with the names of the 12 tribes of Israel. The gates are guarded by angels, and they are said to be open to all who are saved.

The 12 gates of the New Jerusalem are a symbol of hope and salvation. They represent the promise of eternal life for those who believe in Jesus Christ. They are also a reminder that God is always with us, and that he will always provide a way for us to be saved.

Here are some of the possible interpretations of the 12 gates in Revelation:

* The 12 gates represent the 12 tribes of Israel, which are God's chosen people.
* The 12 gates represent the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ, who are the foundation of the Christian church.
* The 12 gates represent the 12 months of the year, which symbolize the ongoing cycle of life and death.
* The 12 gates represent the 12 hours of the day, which symbolize the 24-hour period of time in which God's salvation is available to all people.

Ultimately, the meaning of the 12 gates in Revelation is up to the individual to decide. However, they are a powerful symbol of God's love and grace, and they offer hope to all who believe.

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