umn ministry

God's Daily Words: Three Phases of Action | Section 17


God's Daily Words: Three Phases of Action | Section 17

In God's grand design, an intricate tapestry of divine actions unfolds, spanning millennia. God, who is still carrying out his six-thousand-year works today, has already revealed many of his works, the primary purpose of which is to defeat Satan and bring salvation to all mankind.

He takes this opportunity to allow all that is in the heavens, all that is in the earth, all that is in the seas, and every last thing of God's creation on earth to see His omnipotence and witness all His works.

He seizes this opportunity to reveal to men all that He has done in defeating Satan, so that they may praise Him and extol His wisdom in defeating Satan. Everything on earth, in heaven, and in seas glorifies God, praises His omnipotence, praises His every work, and cries out His holy name.

This is the proof that he defeated Satan; This is proof that he has overcome Satan. More importantly, this is also proof that he saved mankind. All of God's creations bring Him glory, praise Him for His triumphant return from defeating His enemy, and praise Him as the victorious King.

His purpose was not only to defeat Satan, which is why his work has continued for six thousand years. He uses Satan's defeat to save mankind; He uses Satan's defeat to reveal all his works and all his glory. He will be glorified and all the angels will see all his glory.

Angels in heaven, men on earth, and all creation on earth will see the glory of the Creator. This is what he does. All that He has created in heaven and on earth will bear witness to His glory, and He will return in triumph after completely defeating Satan, and allow mankind to praise Him, thus achieving a double victory in His work.

Ultimately, all mankind will be conquered by him, and he will destroy anyone who resists or rebels against him; In other words, he will destroy everyone who belongs to Satan.

"The Word, Volume 1. God's Appearance and Work. From You shall know how the whole of mankind has developed up to the present day."

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