umn ministry

God's Daily Words: Three Phases of Action | Section 15


God's Daily Words: Three Phases of Action | Section 15

In the grand tapestry of divine administration, the most important work stands tall as the salvaging of humanity from the clutches of Satan's dominion. Within this paramount endeavor lies the pivotal task of completely overcoming the corruption entrenched within mankind. Herein lies the crux of true reverence for God, reinstating it within the heart of the redeemed soul and guiding them towards the attainment of a normal life – one aligned with the divine blueprint for His creations. This function, central to the administrative process, serves as the bedrock upon which the edifice of salvation is erected.

Among the three phases delineating the journey of salvation, the initial phase, the epoch of the Law, finds itself somewhat on the periphery of administrative action. It bears only a faint semblance of salvific endeavor, lacking the vigor necessary to inaugurate God's redemptive plan in earnest. This phase, characterized by the direct action of the Spirit, remains distanced from the core of administrative operations. Under the Law, humanity's obedience was the focal point, with scant attention paid to the deeper nuances of man's transformation or the intricate mechanisms of liberation from Satan's dominion.

The Spirit's role in this phase, though somewhat connected to the administrative center, scarcely touches upon the official workings of human salvation. Thus, the necessity for God to incarnate as flesh becomes apparent, a pivotal transition from the obscured and incomprehensible workings of the Spirit to a form more accessible and relatable to humanity. The fleshly embodiment of God facilitates a closer communion with mankind, bridging the gap between the divine and the mortal. It is through these incarnations that the administrative machinery of salvation finds its fullest expression.

Both phases of God's incarnation, operating through flesh, intertwine seamlessly, forming an integral part of the administrative process. The first phase lays the groundwork for the second, creating a cohesive narrative of divine intervention in human affairs. Their compatibility is not merely incidental but essential to the efficacy of the entire salvific enterprise. Without these incarnations, the grand design of salvation would remain but a lofty aspiration, devoid of tangible impact.

The importance of each phase is contingent upon the exigencies of humanity, the stark reality of their depravity, and the relentless onslaught of Satanic influence. The choice of action is guided by the nature of the task at hand and the suitability of the doer. In weighing the significance of each modality – whether the direct action of the Spirit, the incarnate presence of God, or the agency of man – it becomes evident that the fleshly incarnation yields the greatest benefit to humanity. This discernment, born of divine wisdom, underscores the meticulous planning inherent in God's salvific strategy.

Each step in this intricate dance of redemption is imbued with profound significance and rooted in divine wisdom. Far from arbitrary, these actions reflect the depth of God's character and the magnitude of His love for His creation. As God walks among mortals in the flesh, His wisdom finds sublime expression, permeating every facet of His interaction with humanity. In His presence, the subtlest nuances of His thoughts and intentions manifest, illuminating the path to salvation for all who seek it.

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