umn ministry

God's Daily Words: Three Phases of Action | Section 12


God's Daily Words: Three Phases of Action | Section 12

In God's intricate plan of divine governance, the six-thousand-year management plan unfolds in three phases. Each phase, while significant in its own right, merely encapsulates a fragment of the entirety of God's actions throughout the ages. It's crucial to recognize that no single phase comprehensively embodies the entirety of God's disposition. For instance, the name Jehovah serves as a descriptor of a particular facet of God's character, but it alone cannot encapsulate the vastness of His being.

The age of the Law, characterized by Jehovah's ordinances and commands, illustrates but one chapter in the grand narrative of God's dealings with humanity. However, it would be erroneous to confine God solely to this era, constraining His essence to the confines of temples and altars. God's actions in the age of the Law should not be misconstrued as His exclusive mode of interaction with mankind.

Each age, whether the age of the Law, the age of grace, or the present epoch, offers a glimpse into distinct aspects of God's multifaceted nature. Only when these three phases converge as a cohesive whole can God's disposition be fully expressed and comprehended.

Man's understanding of God remains incomplete without grasping the nuances of His actions across these three stages. To comprehend God's mind in its entirety, one must delve into the intricacies of each phase.

The culmination of God's work in the age of the Law doesn't signify an exclusive association with legalistic principles. Likewise, the redemptive work undertaken in the age of grace doesn't imply perpetual redemption. God's actions transcend temporal boundaries and human constructs.

As the age of grace draws to a close, it's erroneous to confine God solely to the symbol of the cross and redemption. In the present phase, God primarily operates through the medium of His word, yet His mercy and judgment remain integral components of His divine plan.

The end-time work undertaken by God in this phase unveils the mysteries shrouding the works of Jehovah and Jesus. It brings to light the hidden truths that have eluded human comprehension, ultimately culminating in the fulfillment of God's salvific purposes among humanity.

Only upon the culmination of the six-thousand-year plan will humanity gain a comprehensive understanding of God's disposition. As His administration reaches its conclusion, the depths of God's character will be fully revealed to mankind.

In essence, the three phases of God's action represent a journey towards humanity's deeper understanding of God's essence, culminating in a profound revelation of His divine nature.

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